I can’t believe we’re almost at Election Day!

Team Linda has been working overtime to reach voters and help individuals vote and we have some tips for tomorrow!

If you’re still making a decision in HD 45, please take a moment to learn more about Linda Serrato

If you are voting in person: If you are going to vote tomorrow, please be kind to our poll workers. They are adjusting to a different environment than any of us could have predicted. Be sure to wear a mask and respect social distancing guidelines. If you live in House District 45 and need a mask, pen, gloves and alcohol wipes, request a Vote Safely Kit from Team Linda! We can deliver it before voting begins tomorrow.

If you didn’t receive your mail in ballot: I know many of us are still waiting for our mail in ballots to arrive. If you receive it, please take your ballot to an Election Day voting location or the County Clerk’s office.

If you don’t have it tomorrow, you can vote by signing an affidavit confirming that you do not have a ballot and you can vote provisionally. All provisional votes are counted.

However you vote, be sure to stay safe. We can make a difference in our community and our state!